Dr. Federico Bianchi
University of Brazil , Brazil
Title: Efficacy and tolerance of probiotic E. lactis SF68® in subjects with sebum production alterations
Biography: Dr. Federico Bianchi
Relationship between gut microbiota and skin has been supposed since 30’s by 2 dermatologists. Dr. Stokes and Dr. Pillsbury. Now cumulative evidences are confirming the presence of a gutbrain-skin axis, that connects intestinal bacteria, stress and emotions, and diet, to acne severity and other skin conditions. Gut microbiota is demonstrated to influence systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, glycemic control, tissue lipid content: all this has significant implications in some skin diseases (like acne, seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis). In many acne patients has been demonstrated qualitative and quantitative alteration of microbiota.
25 patients (19 F; 6 M), aged between 20 and 66 Y.O. , presenting sebum production skin alteration as seborrheic dermatitis, impure skin (acne-prone skin), vulgaris acne (mild-moderate grade), not in therapy, were enrolled. The spontaneous single arm study has been performed in one single centre, in Italy. Patients’ signs and symptoms were evaluated clinically (erythema, desquamation, open comedones, closed comedones, papules, pustules, seborrhea) and instrumentally (skin electrical capacitance (hydration), surface lipid level (sebometry), epicutaneous pH, trans epidermal water loss, skin surface microrelief).
Significant reduction of: - Erythema - Skin desquamation - Open comedones - Closed comedones - Papules - Pustules - Seborrhea Instrumental outcomes of treatment are summarized in below graphics: - Skin electrical capacitance (Corneometer):