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29th International Conference on Dermatology & Skin Care, will be organized around the theme “Progression in Dermatology and Skin Care”
Dermatology 2024 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Dermatology 2024
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.
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One of the most prevalent dermatological conditions today is acne. This ailment is brought on by clogged hair follicles beneath the epidermis. Sebaceous glands in the skin that release sebum are connected to hair follicles. Through the pore, the sebum is discharged onto the skin (a follicle opening). Sebum can occasionally become stuck between keratinocytes, hair, and sebum, preventing it from reaching the skin's surface. This creates an environment where skin bacteria can flourish and lead to the development of "acne" follicles on the skin.
- Masked
- Cysteine acne
- White heads
- Black heads
- Blemish excision
A skin condition brought on by years of sun exposure that is rough and scaly.Older persons are typically affected by actinic keratosis. Keeping out of the sun can help lower danger.
It most frequently affects the scalp, neck, backs of hands, forearms, lips, and ears. The rough, scaly skin area slowly becomes larger and typically exhibits no other symptoms. Years may pass before a lesion appears.It is typically removed out of caution because it has the potential to develop into cancer.
Skin patch that is thick, scaly, or crusty and is typically less than 2 cm in size, or about the size of a pencil eraser. It appears on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun frequently, such as the hands, arms, face, scalp, and neck. It is typically pink in colour but can also have a brown, tan, or grey base.
One of the most prevalent diagnoses is bacterial infections. Erysipelas, Carbuncles, and Cellulitis are a few of these. These infections start out as little, red pimples that get bigger over time.
- Impetigo
- Boils
- Leprosy
They are additionally known as verruca vulgaris. The Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV, is mostly to blame for this. Warts are tiny, fleshy, noncancerous skin growths brought on by this virus. Warts do not have a special therapy; most of the time, they disappear on their own
- Cryosurgery
- Human papillomavirus
- Peeling medicine( salicylic acid)
The goal of this dermatology is to improve the patient's appearance. It doesn't concentrate on treating any skin disorders. By fostering a sense of self-confidence, it can enhance the patient's appearance as well as his mental state. Dermatology for aesthetic purposes.
- Botox treatment
- Mole removal
- Micro needling
A cosmetic dermatologist could work in general offices, medical spas, or dermatology clinics. They focus on patient wishes rather than patient needs, providing services like:
- Correcting skin tone
- Smoothing wrinkles
- Removing hair on the face or body
- Reducing surface fat
- Tightening skin
- Removing tattoos
- Treating cellulite
- Treating acne and acne scars
Dermatological diseases include everything from mild skin rashes to severe skin infections. There are many factors that might cause this disease to develop in the body, including infections, heat, allergies, system disturbances, and drugs. These illnesses present with a variety of symptoms, some of which are temporary and infrequent (such as loss of skin pigment, raised lumps, and discoloured patches of skin), while others are prevalent (such as rashes, redness, and swellings).
- Vitiligo
- Scleroderma
- Atopic dermatitis
Xerodermia is another name for dry skin. This is a common skin condition that results in itching, scaling, or skin cracking owing to insufficient hydration, a dry environment, frequent hand washing, etc.
- Contact dermatitis
- Seborrheic dermatitis
- Atopic dermatitis
- Lifestyle
A specialisation of dermatology and pathology, dermatologic pathology is the study of skin pathology. A microscope is used by a derma pathologist to see the skin defect. Dermatopathology combines pathology and dermatology (the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses of the skin, hair, and nails) (identification of diseases microscopically).
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Electron microscope
The main cause of this is skin irritation. Here are where the red, dry skin patches develop. Pollen, foods, and other allergens are the main causes of it. Contact with substances the body is allergic to, such as colours, chemicals, or fabrics, can also be the reason.
- Dyshidrotic eczema
- Stasis dermatitis
Pollutants, which enter the superficial and deeper skin layers via transcutaneous and systemic pathways, attack the skin as one of their primary targets. The contaminants have a negative impact on our skin in numerous ways. They might stimulate inflammatory and metabolic processes in cells. It is well recognised that pollutants contribute to skin ageing.
- Reactive oxygen species
- Exfoliation of skin
These diseases are brought on by fungus, which typically affects moist body parts like the feet or armpits. Mycosis is another name for this illness. Here, the fungus that causes infection infects the tissue and may go on to infect other tissues, organs, or even the entire body.
- Ringworm
- Jock itch
- Athlete’s foot
Hair transplantation is the practise of moving hair from a bald area to a bald or sparsely haired area. This is carried out while sedated. Typically, the surgeon moves hair from the rear or side of the head to the front or top of the head.
- Slit graft
- Micro graft
- Pattern baldness
An autologous stem cell transplant replaces a patient's stem cells that have been damaged by radiation or high-dose chemotherapy treatment. Autologous stem cell transplantation is most commonly utilised to treat blood malignancies including leukaemia and lymphoma.
More and more people are interested in using natural cosmetics. Natural cosmetics support the link between environmental protection and health preservation. The benefits of using natural ingredients in cosmetics for treating illnesses and caring for skin and hair have increased. Aloe vera works well to treat atopic dermatitis, whereas colloidal oatmeal has been demonstrated to enhance the treatment of psoriasis.
The only ingredients in organic products were grown naturally, without the use of pesticides, chemicals, or artificial fertilisers. A natural product frequently contains 50–70% chemicals, whereas an organic product must contain 95–100% chemical-free ingredients.
- Avocado oil
- Argon oil
- Apple cider vinegar
The field of paediatric dermatology deals with the care of young patients. Various skin problems, such as haemangiomas and other vascular birthmarks, pigmented birthmarks, congenital skin disorders, eczema or atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, Vitiligo, hives, and warts are diagnosed using this.
- Infantile haemangiomas
- Surge weber syndrome
- Novel topical therapy
In conclusion, the primary distinction between the two is that reconstructive surgery is carried out in response to a medical concern, whereas cosmetic surgery is done for aesthetic reasons. Significant psychological and physical advantages can be obtained via plastic surgery.
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that shares all of the same symptoms as other prevalent skin conditions including acne. There is no recognised treatment for this illness. The nose, cheeks, and forehead skin are particularly affected by this. This causes tiny, red, pus-filled pimples to appear on the skin.
- Rosacea ETR
- Acne Rosacea
These skin tumours are malignant growths that develop from cells in the epidermis, the skin's outermost layer. The majority of these are brought on by genetic mutation as a result of UV radiation exposure to the skin.
- Basal cell carcinoma
- Cryosurgery
- Mohs surgery
- Squamous cell carcinoma
This technique involves moving skin from one area of the body to another. This is carried out to reconstruct the skin imperfection. In this instance, the healthier skin is removed and applied to the damaged area. Additionally, skin grafts are used to cover cutaneous ulcers that are chronic and non-healing, to replace tissue lost in full-thickness burns, and to regrow hair in alopecia-affected areas.
- Split skin graft
- Full thickness skin graft
- Excision biopsy
- Dermatome
A condition that results in patches of skin losing its colour . When pigment-producing cells pass away or stop working, vitiligo develops. Any area of the body, including the mouth, hair, and eyes, might experience skin colour loss. People with darker skin tone could detect it more readily. Although the condition is not cured by treatment, the skin may look better.
Skin cancer, or the abnormal multiplication of skin cells, is most frequently found on sun-exposed skin. However, even on areas of your skin that are rarely exposed to sunlight, this common type of cancer can manifest itself. The three main types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.
A condition that results in patches of skin losing its colour . When pigment-producing cells pass away or stop working, vitiligo develops. Any area of the body, including the mouth, hair, and eyes, might experience skin colour loss. People with darker skin tone could detect it more readily. Although the condition is not cured by treatment, the skin may look better.
This is often referred to as nail fungus. Yellow or white nail discolouration results from this. This illness is brought on by dermatophytes, yeasts, and no dermatophyte melds. In this case, either the fingernail or the toenail is impacted. However, the toe nail is most frequently impacted.
- Distal Subungual Onychomycosis
- Antifungal Susceptibility Testing
- Antifungal Therapy
A condition that results in patches of skin losing its colour.When pigment-producing cells pass away or stop working, vitiligo develops.Any area of the body, including the mouth, hair, and eyes, might experience skin colour loss. People with darker skin tone could detect it more readily.Although the condition is not cured by treatment, the skin may look better.